Empower Yourself With What You Hold Inside
I am a reliable and experienced
eutaptics professional and certified Life Coach and Dream Builder Coach, who specializes in working with people who are ready to be empowered with life-changing skills. I believe each of us deserves to live more present, happy, and peaceful. Let go of the pain in your past.
Live your full potential!

Who is she and why is she so fun?
I was a shy child. Trying to please my mom, dad, teachers, pastor, friends, relatives and neighbors. I was ultra responsible from a very young age and just didn't understand why others could just act like "water off a duck's back" when life was so serious. I married young and was divorced by the age of 30, with three children in tow, home schooling, stay-at-home-momming it - I was on my own!
My journey for learning how to deal with stress, injury and chronic pain started in 2011. Life felt unbearable and I needed to look for other ways to deal with anxiety, depression, health issues and stress. It was bad!
I remember not being able to get out of bed and just crying all day. I ended up having a miscarriage. It was like I was a little teeny boat in the middle of a hurricane just struggling to stay afloat! I searched. I prayed. I finally found answers and started learning how to change my subconscious mind to get fast results and relief.
It worked.
Then in 2017 I was scheduled for a total knee replacement. Swelling, arthritis, no acl, no meniscus and no cartilage were the diagnosis (by 3 doctors!). I was looking for options and praying for a different answer! I went back to learning memory transformation and it shifted my pain quickly. I had a session with a Fastereft practitioner and used other healthy pain relief options and 2 weeks later I cancelled my total knee replacement appointment.
My brain was wired for worry and anxiety. I now know how to release it and rewrite it. I know how to live holding peace, health and happiness. I learned that what I hold inside, is creating a result and that result directly affects my pain, suffering and emotional state. The worry program can be changed... and it has! I now have clients that declare, "Work a miracle, Tammy!"
I feel like I found that carefree kid again.
Let's live life having more fun! Are you with me?
Change your unconscious programs through logical investigation and eliminate false beliefs
